Course: 636 – Creature Sculpting for Games and Video – Certificates of Competency

Course Description The “Creature Sculpting for Games and Film” course prepares the student for employment in the film and video game industries. Typically the development of a video game or film includes the sculpting the major characters and creatures. Film and video studios hire sculptors for this task. Larger studios hire full time staff and smaller studios hire freelance talent. Sculptors are also employed by toy manufacturers and industry. Many animation schools require samples of creature/character sculpture as portfolio requirements.
Coursework includes the study of vertebrate anatomy, character design skills, armature construction, and modeling techniques.

At the end of this course you will be awarded a Certificate of Competency/Completion.

Students earning a grade of A or B will receive the" Certificate of Competency".

Students earning a grade of C will be awarded the "Certificate of Completion".

Students earning a D will not receive a certificate.

Those students earning an A are given a certificate titled "Creature Designer".

Those students earning a B are given a certificate titled "Creature Sculptor".

Those students earning a C are given a certificate titled "Sculptors Assistant".

Below are three lists indicating the skills you should have when awarded one of the three COC's.

Character Designer

  1. Demonstrates importance of reading, writing, listening & speaking.
  2. Demonstrates critical thinking and problem solving skills.
  3. Demonstrates practice of workplace health and safety laws.
  4. Demonstrates self-management, positive work ethics, and personal integrity.
  5. Demonstrates collaboration, teamwork, conflict resolution, and leadership skills.
  6. Demonstrates a working knowledge of appropriate technological tool.
  7. Demonstrates understanding of class goals, objectives, guidelines, and careers.
  8. Able to construct armatures.
  9. Possesses strong knowledge of facial anatomy.
  10. Possesses strong knowledge of vertebrate skeletal structure.
  11. Possesses strong knowledge of muscular system.
  12. Understands common vertebral stances.
  13. Knows common surface anatomy terminology.
  14. Understands various modeling mediums.
  15. Follows appropriate modeling procedures.
  16. Uses appropriate modeling tools.
  17. Use tools/materials to create appropriate textures.
  18. Brings final sculptures to final finish.
  19. Maintains a sketchbook of character designs.
  20. Indicates a strong level of creativity.
  21. Understands the integration of tangible 3D objects into computer 3d.

Creature Sculptor

  1. Demonstrates importance of reading, writing, listening & speaking.
  2. Demonstrates critical thinking and problem solving skills.
  3. Demonstrates practice of workplace health and safety laws.
  4. Demonstrates self-management, positive work ethics, and personal integrity.
  5. Demonstrates collaboration, teamwork, conflict resolution, and leadership skills.
  6. Demonstrates a working knowledge of appropriate technological tool.
  7. Demonstrates understanding of class goals, objectives, guidelines, and careers.
  8. Able to construct armatures.
  9. Understands basic facial anatomy.
  10. Understands basic vertebrate skeletal structure.
  11. Understands human muscular system.
  12. Understands common vertebral stances.
  13. Knows common surface anatomy terminology.
  14. Understands various modeling mediums.
  15. Follows appropriate modeling procedures.
  16. Uses appropriate modeling tools.
  17. Use tools/materials to create appropriate textures.
  18. Brings final sculptures to final finish.
  19. Maintains a sketchbook of character designs.
  20. Indicates appropriate level of creativity.
  21. Understands the integration of tangible 3D objects into computer 3d.

Sculptors Assistant

  1. Demonstrates importance of reading, writing, listening & speaking.
  2. Demonstrates critical thinking and problem solving skills.
  3. Demonstrates practice of workplace health and safety laws.
  4. Demonstrates self-management, positive work ethics, and personal integrity.
  5. Demonstrates collaboration, teamwork, conflict resolution, and leadership skills.
  6. Demonstrates a working knowledge of appropriate technological tool.
  7. Demonstrates understanding of class goals, objectives, guidelines, and careers.
  8. Understand basic facial anatomy.
  9. Understands basic vertebrate anatomy.
  10. Understands common vertebral stances.
  11. Understands basic armature construction.
  12. Sculpts characters from sketches.
  13. Properly poses characters.
  14. Understands various modeling mediums.
  15. Follows appropriate modeling procedures.
  16. Uses appropriate modeling tools.
  17. Use tools/materials to create appropriate textures.
  18. Brings sculpture to rough finish.